America’s Resurgence

resurgence: noun – the act of bringing something back to life, public attention, for vigorous activity

The Project

An American States Assemblies Initiative

We have the best instructors

The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) has partnered with the International Outreach Think Tank, a non-governmental group of American State Nationals. Their goal is to lawfully and peacefully restore the American government and gain international, duly earned recognition. We’re supporting their grassroots project, ‘The American Government’s Resurgence Project,’ led by Louise Campbell-Anthony, who joins us as our Affiliate Director. Her introduction letter is attached.

Introduction Letter

Louise Campbell-Anthony

Affiliate Director,

The Peacekeeping Task Force

Official Prelaunch Announcement

Joe Hayse

Executive Director,

The Peacekeeping Task Force

International Public Notice


The United States of America, Unincorporated (1776)

Phase 1

American State Assembly – Current Participation Rate of Progress

As we work to earn the trust and optimism of each American, and Foreign State Assembly we would like to share in our noble effort with our readers and supporters

Strategic Collective

Consider Joining the Outreach Effort

Nationwide Outreach Project of which the mission is to restore the Sovereign
Governance of America — of the people, by the people and for the people — in commitment to the
founding document, The Unanimous Declaration of Independence of 1776.