As we work diligently to perfect maintaining consistency with our General Edition, as well as Subscribers Edition Newsletter releases, we will keep previously released newsletters on the Homepage for our readers. Once the current bimonthly newsletter is ready for Subscribers Edition release (which is usually within the second or third week of the current bimonthly schedule), we will then replace the previous newsletter schedule for the current release.

We want to emphasize that questions and comments from our readers are extremely valuable to both our Staff and general readership.

Your feedback is crucial in helping us understand your needs and preferences, allowing us to continually improve and tailor our services. Without such input, it becomes more challenging for us to provide our overall service sectors with the content and support they truly need and desire.

If you would like to receive our previous Subscribers Edition Newsletter or provide feedback, please visit our PKTF BlogSpot to subscribe and share your thoughts. Your engagement helps us serve you better!

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Our contributing website geared towards article-support, readers' support, additional service content, ongoing commentary, and much more!
The Peacekeeping Task Force

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10200 Forest Green Blvd.
Suite 112
Louisville, Kentucky [40223]

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County-level Peacekeeping Awareness Second Update


County-level Peacekeeping Awareness First Update


Introducing a new way to donate to county level peacekeeping outreach 

Bringing county peacekeeping awareness together Organically

This outreach project aims to add more and more counties to the forefront of community awareness regarding the jurisdictional responsibilities of county guardiancies.

As we promote true stewards, protectors, and promoters of peace, we also foster recognition and discussion of the topic with friends and neighbors alike.

Annual Service Obligation for all PKTF – Assembly Liaisons

  • Service is dedicated to building and maintaining proper peacekeeping interactions across natural jurisdictions.
  • All liaisons function under annual service approved by their State Assembly Militia Pillar or State Marshal-at-Arms.
This bimonthly issue goes into what The Legacy Fund offers to all Staff working within The Peacekeeping Task Force

Welcome to the one and only location for investigation, reporting, news and information provided through the various methods of true, American journalistic value by The Peacekeeping Task Force – chartered by the Federation of States for The United States of America (Unincorporated).

We, as fellow status-corrected men and women ourselves are deeply honored for the opportunity and responsibility for discharging the duties necessary to maintain worldwide, public exposure of this lawful endeavor.

Please enjoy your visit at this information site as its designers continue to work diligently together at presenting the site itself as a perpetual monthly, online magazine publication.

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Responsive Display on tablets and other mobile handheld devices for this website currently requires more calibration.

However, this site is best viewed with other larger lap/desktops.

We do apologize for this minor inconvenience. Our team will be working on the correcting the Responsive calibration for all devices in the near future.

The main charter points of The Peacekeeping Task Force underlining its Purpose and Intent are illustrated in the above cyclical animation.

For more contextual line item details further defining these three main points can be located along the cycle from current and future, ongoing updates to this site on a daily basis.

External Peacekeeping Service Functions

The following three peacekeeping services are those whose service functions take place external to the daily functions of the internal dealings within the express location of the State Assembly environment.

Click Inside Each Panel For More Information About These Three Peacekeeping Services

Continental Marshals Service

Land and Sea

International Jurisdiction

  • Enforces the orders of Federal Postal District Court judges
  • Occupies the International Land Jurisdiction and the Non-delegated portions of International Sea Jurisdiction referenced by Article X
  • Is the Key part of restoring the Checks and Balances and the complete American Common Law Court System

County Reeve (Sheriff)


County Jurisdiction

  • Serves under the un-delegated reserved powers of the states
  • Able to Service BOTH (Unincorporated) and (Incorporated) law
  • County Sheriff of the Unincorporated County – top peacekeeping official within the boundaries of his/her county, holds the soil jurisdiction and local law within his/her county

American State Assembly Militia


County and State Jurisdiction

  • A Special Purpose Committee
  • Is commanded by elected State Citizens
  • Assembly Militia of the Unincorporated County – top peacekeeping officials and officers at the State level Assembly Militia Commander

PKTF - Assembly Liaison

State Level Interface | Serves as a viable go-between for all State-level peacekeepers (Land), augmented peacekeepers, (Land and Sea), and County Guardians (Soil)   

Peacekeeping Service Provider

Internal Peacekeeping Service Functions

The following two peacekeeping services are those whose service functions take place internal to the daily functions of the internal dealings within the express location of the State Assembly environment.

State-elected Marshal at Arms

Jural Assembly Official


  • Moderates the ongoing functions of Assembly decorum and accessibility within and along the immediate surroundings for all Assembly structures
  • Provides outreach opportunities and campaign efforts

State-elected (or) Appointed Ombudsmen

General Assembly Official


Welcome to the maiden voyage of the very first published edition of The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF) news site.

What we offer at the state and local level –

PKTF News is a pioneering information center dedicated to providing vital, factual, and organic content through its worldwide online, peacekeeping advocacy presence. As one of the first American peacekeeping field service entities of its kind, we aim to inspire current and future American Free Press journalists.

Our Mission

We recognize the value of state and local, investigative journalism and its importance to readers. Our platform serves as a worldwide amplifier for local peacekeeping news, incidents, developments, and other newsworthy content.

Our Approach

Showcasing Local Journalism:

PKTF News provides complimentary exposure for selected articles from participating State Assembly level NewsWorks.

Concise Reporting:

Our primary goal is to deliver clear, accurate, and impactful information to our readers.

Worldwide Reach: We offer a unique opportunity to bring local newsworthy stories to a worldwide audience to all American and Foreign State Assemblies who operated lawfully upon Land and Soil Jurisdiction.

Our Commitment

We strive to earn your trust through our content and services. Our timeline feature provides detailed information about our offerings and the evolution of our platform.

Thank you for choosing PKTF News as your source for peacekeeping and local journalism on a worldwide scale.

Welcome to the maiden voyage of the very first published edition of The Peacekeeping Task Force news site.

This newsroom service is the very first known information center of its kind in terms of vital, factual, organic content provisions along with its constructed internet presence worldwide. It is our pleasure to be among the very first from among other honorable, future American peacekeeping field service entities. The goal we set at this point in time will hopefully inspire those from among our current and future American Free Press potential of inspired American men and women people – true Americans as freelance journalists. Free Press journalism of intricate investigation has always been welcomed by content readers when such reporting is conducted at the local level. And so, we are honored for the unique opportunity to provide our readers with a worldwide platform designed to reverberate all such local peacekeeping instances, incidents, developments and other local newsworthy content. We are honored you are here. The following articles within this news site will help shed greater light on those same initial talking points of how The Peacekeeping Task Force will be providing complimentary exposure for all selected local/county articles from among all participating State Assembly level NewsWorks. Our primary goal for this showcased feature is outreach through concise reporting. Continue by reading the following timeline data for more details on what we offer. We are honored for the opportunity to earn your reliance by way of our content and services.


Content Disclaimer. Be advised – This site does not utilize any manner of Artificial Intelligence in terms of content-rendered articles, comments, posts, replies to options (if any), newsletters, or any other form of correspondence. All contributors found on this site are entirely comprised of actual men and women at all levels of this news source. If and when there is found to be any content of an artificial (not-of-man) quality work will therefore be removed from publication along with a follow-up articulating the complete cause of any such article retraction created by Artificial Intelligence.