We are pleased to announce we have updated our Assembly Liaison Page to reflect the current buildout of our physical meeting spaces across 50 States of America.
Below are a couple snapshots of what the page appears as currently.
top portion of the page
From this page our readers are able to access basic contact and location information about where these physical meeting spaces are found across all 50 of our American nation states. When readers hover over the States listed on light green, they are able to see basic demographics of how the location is being funded. Future location updates will include actual street address and hours of operation along with the contact information of the PKTF – Assembly Liaison assigned to that location. We are currently working hard to bring several more State Assemblies Liaisons onboard with office locations of their own as well.
middle portion of the page
As readers move down on the site page, they will be able to ascertain the benefits of what each office location offers in terms of general meeting space usage along with other advertising, postal mailing and other meeting opportunities that can benefit the State Assembly regarding potential status-correction recording and State Assembly conferences.
At the present time, we are working with right at half of our American State Assemblies with PKTF – Assembly Liaison training – having already completed an entire Series of Introduction training which involved becoming familiar with those service providers hired to provide and maintain law enforcement services at the local, state, and international levels. The next training series involves scenario-based training dealing with practical encounters as Liaisons while assisting with the interface process across jurisdictions. These jurisdictions primarily involve the recognition and adherence to those areas of responsibility between “Incorporated” and “Unincorporated” corporate boundaries. Other aspects of these distinctions, and the services offered and provided simultaneously involve overall contact limitations between both corporate structures.
Public notification through outreach is an ongoing process. All PKTF – Assembly Liaisons will remain “in-the-know” as to where their boundaries exist in terms of with whom they interact, and in terms of with whom their respective State Assembly operates at all times.
The entire service operation is built upon lawful, peaceful coexistence as our current service subcontractors are in business to the extent that they are able to provide such services in the capacity recognized by their jurisdictional limitations.
Our PKTF – Assembly Liaisons are all volunteers. All who are working within each physical meeting space are appointed American State Nationals servicing on behalf of their American State Assembly in honorable standing through the Federation of States of The United States of American (Unincorporated). This goes for all other American States Assemblies across the Continental United States whose current and future physical meeting locations are structured in precisely the same manner and purpose.
From among all 50 States, we encourage each State of State Attorney Generals and their assisting staff, Judge Advocate Generals, Army National Guard Bureau Command Staff, Provost Marshal Staff, State Police Presidents, Chiefs of Police, Sherif’s Association Leaders, State Bureau of Investigations (or equivalent), and Coast Guard Command to feel welcome when considering reaching out to your respective, lawful, and peaceful PKTF – Assembly Liaisons.
If you do not currently have found to be a PKTF – Assembly Liaison operating upon the State your services are offered, do not hesitate to reach out to our Central Office in Louisville, Kentucky (see the Home Page of this website for meeting location, hours, of service and other relative contact information to set up an appointment.
In the near future, this page will be further updated to include a listing of all street locations, hours of service, website access, and other means of contact for all liaison service providers. This will be rendered as a simple directory listed at the lower portion of the information page illustrated above.
Thank you to all our readers and supporters who have assisted with making this opportunity a reality. Without your ongoing support, constructive feedback, and generous volunteer work this service would not be possible.