Dear Supporters and Friends of The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF),

The Peacekeeping Task Force Thanks You Very Much!

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to each of you who has generously donated to our mission.

Since we began accepting donations in May 2024, your support has been instrumental in advancing our role as a Land, Soil, and Sea Jurisdiction Service Maintenance Provider.

Building on Dedication and Trust

PKTF was largely founded in June 2021 through the hard work and dedication of committed men and women, operating on bootstrap funding and very limited available time. This genuine, bottom-up approach has built trust with the communities we serve. Since May 2024, we have reached out to our reader base through our websites and word of mouth, inviting general interest and support for our service mission.

Commitment to Assembly Needs

Throughout 2024, we have focused on addressing the needs of our readers and supporters at State and regional levels, guided by our charter from the Federation of States for The United States of America (Unincorporated). We have explored innovative ways to foster local conversations about American Common Law and easily recognizable, highly achievable peacekeeping measures!

Unique Initiatives for Engagement

Our latest initiative (which began in October 2024) involves creating customized peacekeeping logos that highlight American counties, integrating the given or family name of each donor as a personalized gesture of appreciation. This creative approach not only encourages modest donations that add up over time but also strengthens community ties.

Financial Stewardship

None of our current staff receive a salary; all donor proceeds are managed by a dedicated team who ensure that funds are reinvested into maintaining PKTF websites, organizational research, and future technology approved by the Federation of States. In the future, as routine operational funding becomes available through participating State Assemblies, PKTF staff may also begin receiving modest salaries routinely as well.

Acknowledging Generous Contributions

We are particularly grateful for the recent generous donations from a State Assembly within Postal Service Area 4 this month. This Postal Service Area comprises our American States – Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, and Ohio respectively.

While respecting their potential wish for anonymity, we would very much like to acknowledge one from among these States and their very significant contribution to our mission this November, nonetheless!

Thank you, as well to this amazingly productive Assembly for your appreciation of our work at this time!

As we conduct our part to better ensure your, and all other American State Assembly Militias function lawfully and peacefully from which all the world can see and learn, we thank you for your due diligence!

We strive to match the highest level of respect pursued by yours, and all other State Assembly Militia sub-pillar as being and remaining a benevolent State Border Defense Force, as do other nation-states and all other States of the Union.

The Vital Need for Continued Support

To our current and future readers and State Assemblies:

Your ongoing support (small or large) is greatly appreciated and remains vital for us to maintain and logically expand our services when and where needed.

With your timely help, PKTF can continue promoting peacekeeping efforts and fostering comprehension of what we offer across all levels of social realms.

Thank you for believing in our mission and vision and helping us to continue making a positive difference around the world.

With sincere appreciation,
The Directorate Staff of The Peacekeeping Task Force (PKTF)